
In my life, I have made many transitions across a variety of fields: going from music to law to the humanities to economics to statistics and mathematics to now computer science. Whenever I began a new interest, I would have benefitted from having some guidance with respect to how to navigate these fields. This page is my attempt at providing some guidance for readers who may be interested in learning more about certain topics.



  • Analysis: in my opinion the best texts is the Stein tetralogy, four books that encompass the Princeton Lectures in Analysis. If you go through all four books (even skipping sections you don't care about), you will be well-versed in undergraduate mathematical analysis. On the more "optimization" end, I would highly recommend Convex Optimization by Boyd and Vandenberghe, which is an essential for any machine learning/deep learning. I believe that online lectures should also be provided by Stanford University.

Computer Science

My Favorite Blogs/Channels

This is a non-exhausting list of some of my favorite blogs and Youtube channels. This will likely grow as I keep developing my blog!