A memory at Buenas Coffee at Costa Mesa, CA.
I'm Jonathan (Young Woong) Min, a Consultant at PremiumIQ and a Data Scientist at the University of California, San Francisco.
I believe that meaningful data science is done by a very slim percentage of individuals who excel in three roles: 1) computer scientist, 2) statistician, and 3) domain expert; in my career, I hope to master each field individually and in harmony. While that gives a glimpse into my professional interests, it doesn't give the big picture of what motivates me. As of now, I love to learn and derive pleasure from deeply understanding first-principles and seeing how they arise in complex problems.
Thus, this website serves two purposes: 1) to document my journey of continuous learning and 2) to hopefully be a helpful resource by distilling interesting topics that I have learned or am learning. I've already documented my experience teaching myself computer science this past year and there will be many more posts to come. If you would like to contact me about the website or anything else, the best way is by email.
During my free time, you'll probably see me doing one of the following: tinkering with electronics, DJing, producing music, working out, studying, programming, cooking, or reading. I'm sure I will pick up (and drop) many hobbies throughout the lifecycle of this website and I hope you will join me in this journey!